Thursday, August 28, 2008

Chapter XXII (b) Cyprus in the Late Bronze Age, 1550-1050 B.C.

Late Cypriot I: 1550-1400 B.C. Continuation of Middle Bronze Age culture. Contiguous with the rise of the 18th Dynasty in Egypt, political agreements with that nation, peaceful seas.

LC II: 1400-1200 B.C. Time of much Hellenic trade and prosperity. An economy based on copper, much settlement along the coastlines. With the destruction of Minoan Cnossus, Mycenaean Greece moved onto the political stage and made contacts with Cyprus. A veritable flood of trade followed.
El Amarna texts referring to Alashiya are believed by some to have been speaking of Cyprus.

LC III: 1200-1050 B.C. Influx of refugees, time of troubles and desertions of city centers. The Mycenaeans who flooded into Cyprus eventually involved the island in their struggle against the Sea People. Ultimately, “Cyprus sheltered the remains of Mycenaean civilization long after its disappearance from the mainland."